Press 2113 M

ТУ 4212-008-00226220-2007

This device can be manufactured in oxygen execution.
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Equipment for measuring the pressure of hydraulic type 2113M


The press LLC Gidrogazkomplekt, figurative 2113M (manometrical) from stainless steel of production, can be applied to carrying out checkings of devices of measurement of pressure (pressure sensors, manometers, differential pressure gages, etc.) by method of checking of indications of a model gage with calibrated, to molding of tightness of different technical products and systems (cranes, latches, valves, etc.) and also as the mobile source of a task of pressure for laboratory and production needs which is not demanding connection of outside communications. We remind that the press is not a gage and is not subject to obligatory certification. For checking by a checking method, to a press, we recommend to buy our model gages MO-05M manometers.

Prime area of application of a press 2113M - as the auxiliary device to devices in bodies of the public metrological service and at the industrial enterprises which are releasing and operating pressure gages. The press is issued on a support and is convenient for application as a stationary press, with a possibility of its rigid fixing to a horizontal surface, through four pilot holes in a support. The fastening connecting a support and a press allows to unroll a press at any angle in the horizontal plane. The press has no measuring part, and is not subject to obligatory certification. The limit of an admissible main error is defined by accuracy rating of a model gage (the model manometer).

Handle steering wheel

Handle steering wheel

The press can be completed three with the lever handle (for convenience of a task of high pressures from 150 to 400 kg/cm2.), or a steering wheel (for convenience of a task of pressure to 150 kg/cm2). At execution of the order it is necessary to specify handle type. At will it is possible to buy three lever handle and a steering wheel.

Steering wheel

Steering wheel

The environmental  (working fluid) to transfer pressure may be applied:

  1. Alcohol. In this case it is necessary to use in a working part of the internal cylinder and piston (see the Figure 1) VNIINP 282 lubricant, previously having removed regular lubricant.
  2. Oil.
  3. Water.

The device is molded on production by pressure equal to 60 MPas (600 kgfs/cm2).

Design features:

Previous version of a press 2113

Previous version of a press 2113:

In production of the previous version of a press 2113 (the photo at the left) steel 45 which was affected by corrosion at hit of water on the working surface of cylinders was used. It inevitably led to leakages and premature breakdown of a press. If you faced this problem the maintenance kit (a node assembled) to a press of 2113 of production of LLC Gidrogazkomplekt is offered.

The main difference of a press 2113M from the press 2113 developed in the middle of last century is:

  1. All details of a press 2113M adjoining to working liquid (water) are made of high-quality stainless steel (08X18H).
  2. Working pressure is increased to 40 MPas.
  3. The mass of a press makes only 10,5 kg.
We ask to consider that technical improvement of a press can sometimes lead to not basic discrepancies between the device and the text of the operation manual!

Preparation for work of a press 2113M

Before work it is necessary to wrap a flywheel (steering wheel) 6 clockwise against the stop, to open a valve of the 10th tank 9 and a valve 11, to fill in working liquid in a tank 9. After a while liquid will appear in an union 7 opening. By means of a cap nut 14 to screw the instrumentation in the union 7, to wait still working liquid will appear in an union 8 opening. By means of a long nut 14 to screw the calibrated device in the union 8. To completely remove air from the crank chamber of a press for what to banish the piston 4 with working liquid against the stop, rotating a steering wheel 6 counterclockwise and clockwise arrows several times (before the termination of emergence of bubbles in a tank 9). To close a valve of the 10th tank 9.

Operating procedure

6 at an open valve 10 to rotate a flywheel (steering wheel) counterclockwise against the stop (for filling with working liquid of the crank chamber of a press). To close a valve 10, rotation of a flywheel (steering wheel) clockwise to create necessary pressure. The valve 11 is used for an union 8 cut-off in need of long endurance on pressure of the calibrated device, and also used as a variator.

Auto clamping jig

Auto clamping jig

Also we suggest to understaff the press which is available for you with 2113 auto clamping jig.

"Auto clamping jig" - is made by of high-quality stainless steel 12X18H10T. It is established in a press by means of a long nut (14). Samopodzhimna the boss does not demand use of fork spanners, the calibrated device joins the boss by effort of a hand, at the same time provides an airtight joint to 40 MPas. Connecting M20x1,5 connection. In the photo samopodzhimny the boss established in a press 2113M. Detailed information in the section "Auxiliary equipment".

Documents and certifications may be present in a different language.

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Product Specifications

The press provides creation of pressure to 60 MPas (600 kgfs/cm2)
Working pressure 40 MPas (400 kgfs/cm2)
Volume of working liquid 250 cm3
The volume of the forced-out liquid for one full pass of the piston ~ 70 cm3
Average term of service 15 years
Mass of a press no more than 10,5 kg
Leading dimensions no more than 460х180х220 mm

For more information contact our sales department by phone. +7 (495) 255-22-96, +7(495) 781-88-63.